
5 weeks pregnant and I haven't told anyone yet. I just feel numb it's like I'm in shock I find myself completely ignoring the fact that I'm pregnant yet also stressing about how to afford things how I'm going to raise a child, thinking of names etc. yet I can't picture myself with a child
I've always always wanted kids yet now I just can't see it. I'm petrified of how people are going to react I'm a person who relies heavily on my friends I find it extremely difficult to make friends and as such I only have a handful I'm absolutely terrified that if I keep this baby I'm going to lose them and that to me would be the worst thing I could think of which sounds pathetic I know but that's how it is! 
I'm being selfish there's so many things that I want to do in life that just won't happen with a baby yet I really don't think I could have in abortion :/ 
Are there any people out there who had their children on the younger side who, not regret it, but who wish they'd had the chance to do everything they wanted like holidays with friends moving out with friends etc. 
I just really don't know what to do