Soooo I need help

Ok soooooo I am like super worrying right now. I want to start off by saying that I am not on birth control yet, but I am about to get on it. Ok so 2 weeks ago on a Saturday me and my boyfriend had sex🙊. I mean it was amazing in all, but we didn’t use protection but he didn’t ejaculate in me. He pulled out every time. I know <a href="">period apps</a> are just estimates but this was a week after my ovulation window frame. Now in august I did take a plan b so like I had 2 period in August. One was August 1-7 and the next was August 28-September 7. I have heard the Plan b could mess up your next month cycle but i don’t know if that is true that is why I am asking for help. Now on this app is says that my period was suppose to come on the 28th and it still hasn’t came on... I been having like period like cramps for this entire week but no blood. My boobs do no feel weird or nothing else pregnant symptoms or whatever..... should I be worried ???