UPDATE.. Heartbroken, mad, sad......


All of the above. 😢😢😢

This cycle was going to be our first try with

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>

. Because my insurance doesn’t cover ANY fertility treatments, we were paying up front each time we went in. We had set aside enough for 1 try. So took femara and purchased ovidrel shot.

I went in on Weds then Friday and again today (monday). Well turns out I ovulated over the weekend so they cant do the

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>


I paid $380 for each of the 3 visits to get bloodwork and scan. And another $107 for my trigger shot that I dont get to use.

How could they not know it could happen over the weekend? My husband and I had sex on Sunday.....guess we can hope it worked but considering we’ve been trying for 4 years, i’m doubting this worked.

Uggghhh just so upset and mad that we wasted all this money for nothing!!

UPDATE: I called the clinic and they explained that through blood testing they watch a certain hormone to know when ovulation will happen. Mine actually went down friday so they thought I was good until Monday. Sucks that my body is betraying me and we spent all that money but....what can ya do? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️