Possible hearing loss???

So before I start I do have an appt tomorrow with my sons pediatrician but I was just wondering if any other parents have dealt with something like this and everything was fine. My son within the last month (he is 7 months) has been really hard to pull his focus of of things, he doesnt turn towards his name and will completely ignore my husband and I when we talk to him. He babbles a bit but I'm not sure if it's as much as other babies his age and he also does make eye contact when we finally do get his attention but I'm really worried about his hearing because it seems like only certain pitches can get his attention now and that he just stays so focused on things and we sit there saying his name like 20 times or talking to him trying to get him to turn towards sounds. Where he was once easily startled by loud sounds would look where a sound is coming from and now it seems like it's not like it was.. if anyone has any input it would he greatly appreciate... I'm sort of freaking out over here.