Ultrasound 😍❤️ (a little long, sorry)


So I had another ultrasound today ☺️ baby is doing great , even thought baby was measuring a week behind . So instead of 12 weeks 3 days , baby is 11 weeks 3 days . Heart rate at 165 . So I’ll be closely monitored, also due to having a stillbirth just back in March of this year. Due date didn’t change , but I was told to start taking baby aspirin once a day up until my third trimester . Not sure why tho . But I’m confident my pregnancy is going to progress just fine . Everything in the hands of the man above 🙌🏼💯❤️ by look at my beautiful baby 😍 I feel like my baby got boy features already and I believe I’m having a boy just vibes from the very beginning . What do you guys think ? ☺️