I feel like a fat whale


Before I had my son in 2013 on Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> I was slimmer and in shape . I was 122 and 5”3 . After I had my son I gained so much weight and it was so hard to lose it because I had to have a c-section with him . I got up to 205 while I was pregnant with him . I know ! I gained so much weight . Well I was able to get to 175 after but started gaining slowly. I wasn’t able to work out because I have pain still from that surgery and I take pain medicine and I had another surgery to fix it but it made it worse so beings though I am already a sahm and not very active the weight just piles on me . I am currently 230 pounds and 5”3 I hate it! I found I was pregnant last Monday and I am scared for my health and I feel disgusting. I don’t know what to do to lose this weight , I can’t workout without causing pain . Doing small things have me feeling out of breath and I don’t want to feel like this . My husband says I look great but I know he has to think I look fat sometimes . I don’t want to think that way but the numbers don’t lie . I just want to be healthy and not feel out of breathe and to love what I use to see when I look at myself . Not feeling like I have to hide .