Representation Matters

(Spoiler warning for Once Upon a Time season 7).

There was a lot of things that I did not like about this show, but season 7 is so important to me. I loved Alice so much, and her relationship with Robin is everything I've ever wanted to see on tv. It's so sweet and romantic and pure, and it made me feel like there's someone out there for me. I actually cried when Robin asked Hook if she could marry her. I love that for once, there's a show that shows actual LGBT rep constantly throughout the entire season and they don't die in the end. I loved that they showed them kissing and romantic and they weren't afraid to say they were dating. I loved that there was no homophobic characters, that everyone just accepted them and their relationship. I'm just so used to getting queerbaited, but this show got everything right. I'm just, so happy.