My babies are here!


On september 29th I was concerned abput decreased fetal movement. Admittedly, I had been feeling guilty about my gestational diabetes. My inlaws moving to town meant frequently eating out to new restaurants they wanted to try so less meal planning for me. I began to feel like I was toxic to my babies for not eating better. But i also never had to question their movements. It was constant from 25 weeks. So Saturday night when I felt less than 4 movements on either side within an hour I kind of psyched myself up. It was late so I called my Ob's after hours line and was immediately told to always go to L&D er with this concern by the operator once in 3rd trimester. My husband had work the next day and my two year old son was sleepy so we went to bed (still cosleep) then I left as soon as my son fell asleep. As soon as they hooked me up, it was clear there was 0 problems with there movement and heart rate. They've been rock stars all pregnancy and now was no different. But all the movements they tracked I couldn't feel, so I was embarrassed but still relieved. They monitored for 1 hour before deciding to release me. I was exhausted by then anyway and just wanted to go home. The nurse said she wanted to check my bp one more time before i go. Redressed and all with my purse on my shoulder, my bp was 144/90. Back in the bed, and the nurse went to get the practitioner. They took it repeatedly every 20-30 minutes for about 1h45m. It was really high then only kind of high. The on call doctor recommended I stay for lab work. My OB was out of town which I faintly remembered while laying there. They said she'd likely be back sunday afternoon. They determined that though the labs were all great, I likely had gestational hyper tension and should stay for further observation. I honestly was ok with it because I felt that if I stayed my chances of getting my scheduled c-section on the following Friday moved to the Monday would increase. I know I should feel guilty about that, but I kept reading about how twins born at 37 weeks as opposed to 38 had a lower still birth percentage; I was so done being pregnant anyway. Of course, the on call doctor recommended moving it up and by sunday my OB came back and agreed. Yay!

So i stayed sunday. My husband worked a half day, went home and cleaned so my MIL wouldn't touch my things, and came to stay with me for the surgery that would be at 7 am Monday morning. One neat thing I learned about hyper tension that I didn't know with my first pregnancy is diaphragm pain can indicate a swollen liver. I went to the hospital a month or so after my son was born with this pain. It was so bad i threw up in the car on the way in the middle of the night. It was a horror story because that hospital was awful and tgey never figured out what the pain was. It eventually went away. But none of them bothered to check for post pardom hyper tension which can be deadly. Anyway, in the middle of the night before the surgery i got insomnia. So I facebooked, amazoned, targetted and I noticed they were being very kicky. Eventually, I realized a patterned and concluded i was actually having contractions. I was kind of giddy about it because I never had contractions before, not real ones. My first son was a c-section after a day of induction that resulted in no dilation. They felt so strong but not really painful just pressure. The nurses came in to do the prep stuff and hooked me up to the monitor. It was so neat to see each one on the screen verified. I know it sounds dumb but this is my last pregnancy and I thought I would never get to know what that amazing force that only a womb warrior could handle would ever feel like. Anyways, like clockwork I was prepped for surgery. Shaking by the time I was wheeled into the OR because giant epidural needle abd subzero temperatures- I braved the scary leg numbing process that was so smooth and my husband was allowed to join me. I waited for them to start to find that they had already started like 5 minutes ago. It was seamless. No intense pressure making me nauseas or suction pulling the air from my lungs like last time. I mean this was 2 babies and I felt great! My doctor had I discovered delivered over 10k babies by this time last year. She was a boss. My beautiful Ahsoka was first 5lb. 12oz. 18inches then my son Anakin

6lb. 20inches. She had no problems letting her self be heard. My little boy cried but was breathing a little too hard so he needed monitoring in well baby to make sure he calmed down. Once i was closed up they gave her to me to see but i was still a little euphoric from the morphine and epidural. And my blood sugar was really low so they gave me juice that I threw up so they gave me an anti nausea med that made me super high and tired. It sucked that when I got backed to the room it was time to nurse her because i felt so unsafe holding her. Meanwhile, they moved him to nicu for the breathing and temp regulation. I would have been heart broken about the nicu but i knew it was minor and i was seriously so high and out of it having two babies would have been too much. They took her to the nursery and my husnand and I slept for a few hours. Woke up good as new and they both were ready for me. That's where we are right now and so far it is a dream