Im feeling worthless


I feel like a worthless person here are the reasons I can't help my man financially right now with us not being in town. I can't help us find a place cause everything is out of our budget or isn't available. we are getting the "I'm better than you" looks from the person we are staying with. I know this person isnt but she thinks she is because she has a place and both her and her husband work. We are trying but she doesn't care that we are most likely fighting with 400 other people who are looking for what we need. I'm also 17 weeks and 5 days pregnant so my emotions are all over the place as it is. I honestly don't know which way to turn right now plus we both don't have the ability to ask our parents for help. We planned on having our own place again by the beginning of September but it's not October and still havent found anything that sticks. is it wrong to ask someone to have a heart and compassion like we would have for someone in our situation?