Nausea/vomiting at 37w3d? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Calling all mamas!

So last night I woke up around 3 feeling so nauseated. I figured it was just hunger nausea bc sometimes I get that and it comes on all at once and I have to eat RIGHT then. So I ate some scrambled eggs. I tried to go back to sleep and I couldn’t. The nausea was too bad. I rolled around for a while trying to get comfortable and the top of my stomach started cramping. It only lasted like 30 seconds, and then it was gone. It almost felt like gas pains. Then it happened a few more times over the course of an hour. I was still feeling sick and had to run to the bathroom a few times with diarrhea. 😳 THENNNN around 7:30 am, I knew I was going to puke, so I ran to the bathroom and it was like I was in the first trimester again! 😩 Any advice or thoughts on what’s going on? I know the eggs I ate weren’t bad. I bought them 3 days ago and didn’t get sick from eating them any other time. I just don’t know if some people’s early early labor started off with anything weird like this. The only thing that makes me think that is the weird cramping. 🤔 Anyway, thanks for reading. Any help would be awesome! ❤️

Also, since the 3 am wake up with the weird cramps, they’ve still come and gone a few times an hour since then and it’s not 8 am where I am.