Did anyone else experience first trimester bleeding and have everything be okay?

Courtney • • 25 years old • FTM • Baby girl born 1/19 at 27 weeks • Preemie mom • Unexpected pregnancy; IUD expulsion. (Didn’t feel it expel)! First child 💞

A couple of days ago I started spotting and about 30 minutes later it turned into some blood dripping down my legs. Not a crazy amount but it was a bleed and no longer spotting. I had no pain or cramping but I immediately assumed the worst. The next morning I got in for a transvaginal ultrasound and baby is measuring 9 weeks 1 day (on track) with a heartbeat of 177 BPM. Blood work came back as well and all my levels are in the good range... yet they couldn’t find where the bleed came from. It’s so frustrating. :( I just want to hear other’s experiences.