3 hour Glucose Test


So I’m here, already had my second blood draw... I have two more to do for a grand total of 4. Haven’t had anything to drink or eat not even water since last night after midnight. Super thirsty! I’m nauseous and tired. It took a minute for her to get the second blood draw probably because I’m dehydrated. Not even allowed to have water 😭. It hurt too (same arm). She will have to draw the next two from my other arm. I am normally not at all a complainer. I cherish every moment I have that my baby is healthy and growing in my belly. But this... this just sucks so bad!! I am praying I pass with flying colors! There’s one other woman here doing the same as me. Makes me wonder if there’s something in the water lol !! Also have had about 3 contractions since the first blood draw. I don’t think she likes it like her mom and did I mention how thirsty I am lol ! Wish me luck!