Hcg levels not rising

So my first set of hcg levels were 17220 on Friday, and the nurse just called and told me that they haven’t risen since then. She didn’t say they went down though. I’m going in for an emergency ultrasound to rule out eptopic pregnancy or miscarriage. No bleeding or cramping or pain on either side. When I went last Thursday they said I was only 4-5 weeks pregnant. Anybody else go through this, their hcg levels not rising and everything be fine....

Update: not an eptopic pregnancy, but dr said he is about 95% sure I am going to miscarry. They can only see a gestational sac with nothing in it. Dr said he would give me something to speed up the miscarriage, or I can wait it out a week and see if anything progresses on it’s own or of the baby is just slow growing.