Moving out advice/help??


I feel like my life isn't mine anymore, and I'm being held back because of what feels like family obligations. I want to leave but wish for some advice first, just money and things like if I should rent or lease an apartment. Or even if renting a house with other people is a better option.

Back story....

I'm 21f living with my parents at home. I work 2 jobs, take night classes for nursing, and pay for rent ($300 a month) for staying with my parents. I pay for my all of my car expenses as well, my car is leased the dealership does free maintenance for the duration of the lease. I also help out with my younger siblings. I'm beginning to feel more and more like a parent to my siblings then an independent person. I cancel plans because I have to take them to appointments, in charge of going to school events. Making sure they have clothes, school supplies and so on. My mother pays me back when it comes to me buying stuff for them. Which I don't mind, I wish I didn't have to do it but it's not like I'm losing money. My dad on the other hand doesn't think I should be paid back because it's my choice to spend the money. Recently we've had a death in the family and so I had to watch over everything while they were gone to out things in order. My dad constantly tells me I need to move out and leave, he's been saying since I was 18.

My BF mother has offered her place to me and mentioned I can take classes over eastern if I want. That they would cost the same. I worry about getting a job over there, plus I just want to be more independent. I also wouldn't need to necessarily need to bring any of my furniture. I.E. bed, bookcase, night stand, etc. Since she has a guest room and stuff. If I moved with her I feel like I would have to rent a storage space for my things

I feel like my life isn't mine anymore, and I'm being held back because of what feels like family obligations. I want to leave but wish for some advice first, just money and things like if I should rent or lease an apartment. Or even if renting a house with other people is a better option. This is in WA. Any good tips and things I should consider before hand?