Back when I was younger, I was diagnosed with just about everything under the sun when it comes to mental illness. Naturally, my life is no walk in the park. My husband doesn’t understand this. He thinks he is responsible for validating my feelings. He thinks it’s his job to tell me it’s my fault, I’m the one who chooses to get hurt about things. We’re constantly fighting because I no longer want to talk to him about anything because he never listens. He hears what I’m saying, but just pushes the blame onto me. Every. Single. Time. Today was just awful. I have little to no self esteem. I’m trying so hard to stop hating myself, but he always finds comments to make that impossible. I tried to tell him that today, and he told me that’s on me, he can’t help the way I feel about myself. I get that. No one can MAKE you love yourself. But, people can make you hate yourself. People can make you feel like nothing. He told me he today that he doesn’t care what I look like. Sweet, right? Except he followed up with “If I cared about your looks, I wouldn’t have married you.” I lost it and walked away. He followed my telling me I chose to take it that way. I don’t understand how I should have taken it. I tried to explain to him that when I’m constantly fighting myself, it’s hard to convince myself that everyone else doesn’t see me the same way I do. I’m just so sick of him trying to convince me that all of my problems are my fault. Like I choose to live this way. I just don’t know what to do anymore.