
Me and my husband have been living with his mother for the past 2 years and I’ve had enough. She’s judgmental to say the least. I cannot be a wife as I wish to be with her around nor can I be a mother due to the fact that if it doesn’t seem right to her it’s always a comment coming from her. I have been thinking about getting a one bedroom apartment for my son and I (I’m pregnant as well) since my husband has told me before that he will not leave his mother and I will not bring another child into this world with the conditions we are living in right now. The house is old it doesn’t have central ac/heat and I am due in December. I have been very patient, and today was the day I decided to finally get right for my kids and I. I told my husband what my plan was. He could come visit at any time any day! I am not planning on getting a divorce or wanting to split up but I do need to make the first move if he isn’t. And I asked if he was willing to help with at least a deposit and he said he didn’t know if he could since he would be paying my rent (I said deposit) and his mother’s rent. Well needless to say he thought I meant he had to pay my rent and his mothers!! 🤔 definitely not what I meant. I told him he had to choose and think about it good. It’s fine to think of his mother she is the one that gave him life! But he also has to think about the family he created! Was I wrong for deciding this and telling him to choose?