How does someonen fall back in love with their husband


Just to be clear I'm asking how to fall back in love with my husband... I should be super in love with him... He takes care of our daughter and myself... I get everything I want and then some...he knows how to fix things... And our account literally always has money in it... So what's wrong? I just feel like my emotional and physical connection with my husband is completely gone.. sometimes I feel like I come last, he's gone a lot for his job and a lot of the time I feel like he's selfish... And its definitely me creating the problems... Like I want time to myself.. but I won't let him care for our daughter for me to have time to myself..I complain that we never do anything together... But when it comes time to doing stuff together... I just want to stay home and be with our child.. I complain that he's not romantic but any chance he gets to try to do something romantic I just tell him he's acting gross... I complain that his needs are only met in the bedroom but when he tries to meet mine... I just want him to get on with it and it to be over my husband is great... He does great things.. but idk I feel like I'm being suffocated and in the same breath I feel so fucking alone... So how does someone make it through this, how do I fall back in love with my husband?