Toxic Family

Alright. Long story short, my Husbands ex Step Parent is a shit person. She is Trans, his mom and her ended up getting divorced when she decided to transition to a female. No hard feelings between my husband and her, he still viewed her as he parent who raised him. However, fast forward 6ish years later and she’s totally self absorbed. We’ll call her “Leslie”. Leslie is constantly posting half naked selfies (she’s in her 50’s) and going on and on about getting drunk or hooking up. Now Leslie has two children with my MIL, who are 20 & 12. She does nothing for these children. Doesn’t ask about them, doesn’t see them, doesn’t provide for them in any way whatsoever. The last time the 12 year old went to see her she pawned her off on her neighbor and went out drinking every night. Leslie is constantly dressing in minimum clothing, booty shorts and crop tops. Constantly fishing for compliments and if you don’t say something positive about her every five minutes she’s pissy. She’s never shown any interest in our children, and hasn’t talked to my husband in forever. Whenever she does she tries to guilt trip him saying he was her favorite kid and he’s abandoned her too. My husbands two older sisters refuse any sort of relationship with her. I’ve finally told my husband we are done with any relationship with her as well. She’s toxic. Whenever she shows up for family functions she gets whine drunk or tries to flaunt around her body fishing for compliments. Always makes stupid comments about killing herself, but refuses medical help for these issues. She’s been committed a few times. Now with all this, would anyone else finally cut her off? The holidays are coming up again and frankly I don’t want her around my kids. They don’t know who she is anyway. And gets severely offended when my 3 year old asks “Whose that guy?” Which is what he says about any person male or female. I’m sick of her self righteous attitude and complete lack of parenting to her two children.