Severe Polyhydramnios


At 32 weeks I was diagnosed with Polyhydramnios. My fundal height was 41. I am now 33.5 weeks and my fundal height is 46 and my AFI is 41. Anyone else dealing with something similar?

I have had multiple scans, baby looks great and was measuring about 5lbs 2oz at 33 weeks.

I see my OB weekly for a regular visit, I go to the high risk doctor twice a week one for BPP and NST. Baby boy had passed all tests so far.

I don’t have GD and all my TORCH results came back normal. At this point there is no explanation for the PH.

Doctors are talking about inducing at 39 weeks. One doctor said possibly earlier and also mentioned getting the steroid shots for lung development. I will find out next week what they decided as all the doctors are having a meeting this week to discuss.

I ended up in L&D Sunday due to timeable contractions. I was still closed, long and high. I was having back to back contractions and was told since they aren’t doing anything to my cervix it would be my new baseline and I’ll know to come in again if my water breaks or the contractions get much worse.

Any stories or advice are welcome.