I wish I didn’t have to work


Thursday is my next appointment. I need yalls help with describing to my doctor about me having no energy and short of breath. Sunday when me and my husband went to Walmart, we walked in and I made it only to the pharmacy before I was going to drop. I’m too weak I can’t even walk across Walmart. My husband made me use the motorized chairs for handicaps. I was embarrassed but it was the only way I can get our grocery shopping done. That’s how weak I am if I can’t even walk across the store. Told her I could walk across my house twice and I am extremely short of breath and have to sit down.

No matter how I describe it to her the last few weeks she’s always says it’s because I had my baby so close to the last one. ( I got pregnant when my baby was 7 months old) That’s her excuse for everything and she says it’s all normal.

I wish she would just listen to me. This weekend I’m supposed to work Friday Saturday and Sunday I’m not even sure if I can make it up to the fourth floor without taking a break. I only have four more days to work so I don’t see why she can’t just let me be off. I work at a hospital 12 hour shifts.

What is another way to describe being short of breath, no energy and feeling weak, feeling like collapsing and no stamina. I feel if I word it better when I talk to her maybe she will listen.