Here it goes🤞

Ashleigh • 22 years old, married💍 Full time mumma🙈💙 love my little man 💙 expecting baby number 2

Well my baby boys only jus fallen asleep so I thought I’d take the opportunity to write my birth story 🙈 been waiting for the day I finally got to write mine so here goes..

pregnancy for me throughout was always hard I’ve always been small built so as I got bigger I struggled even more everything started out perfect 👌🏻 but after having my growth scans the doctors realised baby was growing 2 weeks ahead and at 34 weeks was already 7lbs. I had weeks worth of contractions and cramps and discomfort and so many false alarms. They then decided I needed to be tested for gestational diabetes at 38+2 (like 14 weeks too late🙄) things got harder for me I could barely walk I was in pain and I was exhausted finally they set an induction date and I knew when my bubba would be on his way 💙

On Sunday September 30th we went to the hospital at 11:30am to be induced me and my fiancé waited patiently in that hospital all day! Every woman on that ward had their pessary put in and things got started for them but they left me for 6 hours not realising they hadn’t done mine😡 at 5:00pm they finally induced me and they then told me that at 9:00pm my fiancé would have to go home. Well ladies let’s just say I hate hospitals and I wasn’t going to let that happen 😂 I told him I was having this baby before he got sent home whether it meant I had to walk up and down the stairs hundreds of times😂after half hour of the pessary going in I started getting regular intense contractions so bad I almost pooped myself 😂 luckily I made it to the toilet in time! They told me that they weren’t “real contractions” and that I was just having a bad reaction to the pessary and that they’d have to take it out and try again the next day. I said no! Demanded they check me because something was definitely happening well before I went in I was already 2cm dilated within 4 hours of having the pessary id dilated to 4cm they tried to remove the pessary and my waters broke all over the midwife 🤷‍♀️finally it was time to meet bubba they wheeled me to labour and delivery which literally only took about 5 minuets yet in that time I’d dilated to 8cm I got my epidural and then at 2:41 pm after 6 pushes my baby was finally born Alfie John Holloway weighing 8lbs 13oz 💙I was so proud not only of him but the fact that I was the last to be induced but the first to give birth 😂😂 everyone must have hated me 🤷‍♀️

Here he is at 2 days old my gorgeous baby boy 💙

Mummy and daddy are so proud of you 💙