Anyone else sad in their last few weeks of pregnancy?

Well I’m feeling pretty miserable. I’m always alone watching my kid all day n night while my guy is at work .

When he is off work he will sleep which is understanding but even for days off at a time he will sleep like I’m not even around.

He will still make time to leave everynight to go drink and hang w his friends and come back like 2am. Every day off he says I’m going out or I’ll be back.

He always says he never gets free time but he’s always gone . Then talks about not wanting to be stuck w me in the house all day like I’m a nobody .

He tells me I need to get as much sleep as I can before my baby is born and my only wonder is because I’m going to be the main one watching him.

He told me I would the main one watchin him and made jokes about it . He also isn’t affectionate with me at all and says it’s because he doesn’t want me to go into labor but he doesn’t even offer oral and will just go to sleep on me, no four play or anything..

I honestly think he’s sleeping w someone else but idk. He also never texts or calls me unless it’s convenient for him and I brought him a phone. Days when I ask him to sleep in the living room Bc I feel disconnected & unloved he doesn’t try n talk about it, he will just ask for a blanket & go in the living room and go to sleep.

When we do have sex he will screw me 3 minutes and then act like he’s weak. Ijdk wats going on, but I’m fed up .