Do I actually love him?


So this is a complicated story and I’m sorry in advance.

When I was in 8th grade I dated my best friends younger brother who was in 7th at the time till I was in 10th grade. We broke up due to communication. Anyways I dated a kid after him and never really felt the same as I did with Seth (best friends brother). And ways I broke up with my ex awhile ago and me and Seth started to talk again. Everytime I’m with him it just feel right? Almost like a cliche I was missing something. He says he feels the same way as me. We have gone through a lot of drama but we decided to try one last time and see if we work out. At the moment I am in my freshman year of college and he is a senior in high school. Anyways sorry for jumping. I am always smiling by him and just genuinely happy. I think I still love him from the beginning. I always compared all of my boyfriends to him. We were still close after breaking up and I just seem myself near him. he told me one day that he loved me and always has and I said it back but I just want to make sure I meant it and not just said it.

This is him btw


If I had to explain him I would say he is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. He is kinda and funny.

Do you think I actually love him?