Started off as just friends hanging out then came the benefits🤦🏼‍♀️

Okay, so I met this very nice guy awhile back, we talked every day up until this last Sunday. He was so caring, understanding, sweet, a real gentleman too. I started liking him more than I should 🤷🏼‍♀️ I mean I wake up talking to him, I go thru out my day talking to him, I even talked to him before I go to sleep at night, we talked about everything together. I told him about how I felt about him and he told me that he knows already that I felt like that about him but he made it clear that he’s not interested in a relationship that’s long term because he’ll be moving in a few years (he’s in the navy) then the next day he said “I’m sorry about last night, if we get to that level and it happens he’s 100% okay with us being together.” Okay, fast forward we started having sex we each other a few times but this passed Sunday, I started to find myself falling for him too much, so to keep myself for getting hurt or broken-hearted, I decided to tell him I couldn’t see him no more, he was so hurt but I was just trying to protect myself from any if a person mind is made up about not wanting anything dealing with a relationship, that’s just time wasted and of course time is non refundable 🤷🏼‍♀️ so now here I am wondering what he’s up to...missing him...wanting to text him ugh Wtf is wrong with me? Help me out ladies....was I wrong for just cutting him off or should I stayed with him being a fwb🙄 see m if that next level come?? Don’t be mean, please!!! This is my first time having a sexual relationship with just a friend, that I have no idea how I got in🤦🏼‍♀️