Will my period come?

Hope Faith • I`m 29 and happily married.. 4 MCs. Rainbow baby born Nov 2016. Rainbow Baby #2 due Oct 2018. Mommy of girls! PCOS warrior.
I got my first period on my 10th birthday and was always regular. But then when I started college my period started to go missing for 2 months here or 4 months there ( I was not sexually active until 19 when I got a boyfriend). I would have a regular period for a few months and the go missing for 2- 4. Doctor said its stress but put me on birth control which helped but I gained tons of weight. Then even on bc my period started to miss. I got off bc and started losing weight and exercising (I exercised on bc and never lost weight). I still have the same problem. I got a new dr before I got married because I want children soon. I got back on bc (different kind then before). Days after I got married I stopped bc and about 2 weeks after I got pregnant. I had a mc on July 8. Now I'm waiting for my period that should be here in a few days but I have no signs of it coming. What should I do if it doesn't come? How long should I wait for it before doing something? I'm not going to stress about it but I want to be prepared and learn something while waiting.. Anything will help! Sorry for the long post.