So how does this happen?

Heather • ❤️🌹Proud wife, Mom of 4🌹❤️

Yesterday, I went to visit my OB because i had bloody show and was contracting. She said I was 3cm, 50%, -1, I was contracting more than 6/hour, she was concerned about some possible late decelerations on the NST, so she sent me to L &D for further eval. By the time I get to L & D, I’m now contracting every 4-5 min. Some were pretty intense to where I had to breathe through them, others, I didn’t even really feel. The midwife at L &D checked me and said I was only 1cm, 80%, -2. How did I go backwards? How does that even happen? She gave me visteral to stop the contractions and sent me home. The contractions slowed, but didn’t fully you awAy. Today, I feel groggy, lots of pressure, and am still contracting...the midwife told me yesterday that since I was only 35w, 6d, she said she didn’t want this baby to come yet.