
Jenna • Jenna, 30, mama to Jade 11/15/18 and Maddox 7/1/24 ❤️

I wasn’t sure where to post this. I thought maybe you guys could offer me some insight. This may get kind of long... lol but I’m due with my first baby on 11/22 and I’m over the moon! I waited until I was 9 weeks to tell anyone outside my boyfriend and my immediate family. We didn’t even tell his family til after the ultrasound. I have a best friend (a male) who has been my best friend since I was 15 (I’m 24) and we’ve been through a lot together. We dated when I was 20 and I lost my virginity to him. We decided to just try to be friends after that since I left Connecticut (where he and I are from) and I moved down to North Carolina. He had a bunch of girlfriends after I moved and they ALL hated me. Every single one. It didn’t matter that I never spoke to or met these women before and that he and I had no romantic interests in each other anymore. I’ve been down in NC for almost 5 years and I met my daughter’s father a year and a half ago. My pregnancy was a surprise but after my initial 9 weeks, I told my best friend. He was so excited for me! He’s one of those people who didn’t want kids. Too much commitment for someone like him. It was a conflict in our romantic relationship due to me always wanting kids. He was pretty emotionally supportive over my pregnancy, but it was only because he and his latest girlfriend were not together. Fun fact: she also hated me. All the sudden in August, he blocked my phone number. No explanation, nothing. Haven’t spoken to him at all. His aunt messaged me on Facebook (we are very close and she’s like an aunt to me as well) and said “I guess you’ve heard the news” and I said “what news?” And she said “A’s girlfriend is pregnant” and I swear to you, my heart sank. Not because he’d gotten her pregnant of course, but because he didn’t tell me. After everything we’ve been through, he couldn’t tell me his life was changing forever. It broke my heart. I know him. Probably better than most people do and I know he’s terrified. I guess I’m just asking if I should try to reach out to him some way while I’m back at home in CT for my baby shower next week. And if I have a right to be upset with him not telling me. I’m just very hurt at his blocking due to how she feels about me (and she has never even spoken to me) and cut me out of his baby’s life when we always said that we’d be there for each other’s children (if he had any) and I’m honestly sad that my daughter won’t get to experience him in her life. I was thinking of making him one of her god fathers but at this point I don’t think I can. Or maybe I’m overreacting to all of this because I’m 8 months pregnant and overly emotional. Advice?