EBF 13 weeks, now combo BF and pump but can’t pump enough


I exclusively breastfed my sweet boy up until I had to go back to work at 13 weeks. Since then I nurse morning and evening (2-4 times total), and he gets 3 bottles of pumped milk (each 5 oz) at daycare. Unfortunately, I can only pump about 12-14 oz per day (3-4 pumping sessions is about all I can get in..sometimes I can get a 5th), so I cannot keep up with what he needs while at daycare. I had a nice freezer stash built up before going back to work, but it is dwindling away pretty quickly. I estimate about another month/month and a half before it is gone. I have tried fenugreek, blessed thistle, mother’s milk tea, power pumping, and oatmeal, but I just can’t pump any more than I currently am. I know it won’t be the end of the world if I have to give one bottle of formula at daycare, but I am just trying to be sure I have done everything I can do before having that happen. Any advice? I get a little sad when I think of all we endured to get breastfeeding well-established (we are pros now!) only to have to supplement now. Don’t know why I feel guilty…Thanks in advance!