Heartbroken 🙁

Courtnie ‱ 2/25/19đŸ’™đŸ€±đŸ» 9/18/20đŸ‘ŒđŸ’” TTC #3

First of all I want to thank every person who takes the time out of their day to read and respond, I know this might sound stupid to some but it’s very important to me.

In early June, I got a puppy. She was 8 weeks old when I got her. 3 weeks later, I found out I finally conceived the baby i had been longing for. In the beginning, it wasn’t to bad. I enjoyed having the puppy and my hubby at home. And knew we would have 8 months to train her, so we were looking forward to a family of 4 (with the dog).

Last week, I had gotten a phone call from my brother who stays with me, that he just got home from school and that I needed to come home from work right now. So I leave work and come home early, low and behold, the dog broke out of her kennel and destroyed over $2000.00 worth of belongings in my home.

I shook it off, because she’s never touched something that didn’t belong to her, or tear up anything but her toys. So I knew it was coming at some point. Just didn’t expect it to be so much at one time. She destroyed my baby’s crib that wasn’t set up yet or even out of the box, ate my walls, her whole bag of dog food, along w the garbage tracked all over my home and puss and shit on my bed, baby’s clothes, our food... etc..... it doesn’t end.

Like I said I shook it off bc she hasn’t ever done anything like that before.

Mind you I make about $650.00 a week and have to pay bills, and work on paying my bills 2 months ahead of time in order to take time off for when my son arrives as my job doesn’t cover maternity leave. I went out shopping and replaced everything that was damaged. $1875.00

Fast forward to today.

I got another call, this time from my SO saying the dog broke out of the kennel again while he was gone and was in the nursery.... great. So what was tore up this time? ANOTHER CRIB , all of the baby’s clothes (again) food pantry, oh and my diaper supply. I can’t afford to keep having to buy shit all over again, and yes I have tried buying her a different kennel and she gets out of all of them somehow. She’s wild.

If I can’t trust her alone for a half hour in her kennel, can I trust her alone around my baby or even in my home with a baby present? I need opinions because I’m to the point where I want her gone but my SO doesn’t understand bc he doesn’t pay for all of the stuff that’s been getting damaged. I feel like she needs to go, because it’s too much stress on me, and my unborn baby to have to worry about coming home to everything destroyed again. I haven’t even set the nursery up yet, or baby proofed this place bc she keeps setting me back. Everytime I buy everything I need, it gets destroyed. I need help. I love the dog, but there is no alternative options. I shouldn’t have to pile all my belongings into a separate room bc of a dog, or not set up my child’s nursery bc of a dog. I’m just over it.