I’m finally free Update#1


I’m all settled in my friends house right now. I’m staying here till Friday until my mom comes back to town. But anyways my friend and I got all my stuff out of his parents house by 8:30 am, him and his mom left at 7:20 am for custody court. On our way to go change my number later in the day my ex texted me but I didn’t respond. I changed my number and only a hand full of people know my number which I’m going to keep that way for a while. After I changed my number we went to the police station and filed a domestic violence report. On Friday I will apply for a restraining order. But I have no connect with him or his family. Which is really nice. I was finally able to talk to my dad which I haven’t in months due to my ex. I feel like I’m slowly getting my life back but all I can do is think about him. I hope he’s doing okay and not ruining his life more. I miss him too which really sucks but I’m trying to keep being strong. Also I’m doing a girl thing on Saturday, my dad is taking me to go get a hair cut so I can finally cut my hair short.

I’m leaving my abusive boyfriend tomorrow morning. I’ve tried to leave multiple times in the past but he always grabs my phone and keys away from me so I couldn’t leave. But with the help of my friends and family, I will be packing up my stuff tomorrow morning while he’s at court. After that, I’m changing my phone number so he won’t be able to harass me anymore. I also just deleted all my social media so he won’t be able to get a hold of me off of there. I am terrified, nervous, happy and every other emotions you can think of. I’m happy I will be getting my life back. I will be finally be able to go back to college. I will finally be able to see and spend time with my family and friends. I get to be myself again. I still love him and I want to be there for him for everything that he’s going through but I can’t be his punching bag anymore. Our entire relationship I have been his personal punching bag. I deserve better. I am a very caring person and he took advantage of that. I’m done. I will finally be free