Cousin confide in me....

My cousin is 19 years old and she has been in this abusive relationship. The first time she mentioned it to me was in March and she briefly told me about him being controlling and possessive. She also mentioned something about them arguing and him scratching her and pushing her. I told her that wasn’t healthy and she should leave that relationship. She is in love with this guy so she stayed with him. She stopped talking to me and I didn’t know why really. Later I found out that it was because her bf wouldn’t let her talk to me. So last week she told me things have gotten worse and that she is scared to be with him. So i told her to leave him. By the way she doesn’t live with this guy. She still lives with her parents. She told me her dad knew about the relationship but he didn’t want to tell her mom for some weird reason. Idk why... anyway she ended up leaving him and told her parents. I told her to do that. Her sister found out that I knew about it.... she told me what kind of person, woman, mother am I for not saying anything to them. I don’t think I should have been the one to tell them. My cousin should have been the one to mention that to them. Also. Since her dad knew about the relationship I didn’t want to over step my boundaries. I have no idea why he didn’t want his wife to know. When I told her that her dad knew about the relationship she told me that he didn’t...well obviously if he didn’t want anyone to know he was going to deny it. She is so stuck up and always makes things about her. Tbh I think the only reason she is mad is because my cousin confided in me instead of her. Her sister thinks she is everyone’s mom and knows what’s best for everyone. Yet my gma had been sick and they made her move out of our house that we own by the way, so someone else could take care of her and they didn’t tell us anything. They were paying someone else to watch her and that person ended up stealing my gmas money. Yet she expects me to go running to her when I know things about her family. Either way it goes someone was going to be mad at me. If someone confides in me, no matter who they are I am not going to say anything unless I absolutely know that it is life threatening. Mind you this guy she was in a relationship with is my god brother. In my eyes I did the right thing by telling her to leave and to tell her parents. If it was so bad then how did her parents not notice anything wrong with her. They live with her. I barely talked to her ever.

Let me add that I have been in her situation only much worse. For over 5 years and secondly I didn’t befriend her because I wanted to.... she stopped talking to me... mind you I have a family of my own. That I can barely keep up with. So before you start judging I know how domestic abuse can get. I also know that no matter what I did she wasn’t going to leave him indefinitely until she was ready to and has had enough. It can’t be domestic abuse if they don’t live together. Yes it was physical.