Is my mum ok ?


The past few months my mum hasn’t been herself, she’s stressed I don’t know why and is miserable all of a sudden. Never seems happy! Anyway I remember once she jokingly said she was depressed. Then the other day she told me how her friend ask her to go for drinks with her and other friends and that my mum started having an anxiety attack. I was like what?

Anyway in her bag she has a notebook I just assumed was her diary of dates she had to do hairdressing lol - I read a couple of pages then realised I shouldn’t be. She writes down the date and says stuff like ‘me and my friend spoke on Facebook today..’ then I stopped. Then I turned to another page “so and so message me today. Is she being nosey? Or is she actually worried.” About different people.

Is my mum ok? This is so unlike her.