***UPDATE. Boyfriend’s been cheating on me for a year and I’m pregnant..

So I just found out they’ve been in a relationship since July 10, 2018... did some digging and found her Facebook and confirmed it was him that shes dating. two days after him and I had sex and I got pregnant. I feel sick and I can’t stop shaking and vomiting. Our three year anniversary was on July 18, 2018 and he got me dinner and told me he loved and everything seemed fine. I can’t stop crying.

I am completely and utterly heartbroken. I just saw all the call logs. She’s been staying at his house. They’ve been constantly texting and calling. He lied to me. She cooks him dinner almost every night. He ignores me to hang out with her all day. I found everything out last night and finally put all the pieces together. I’ve sensed something was up for 3 months now when he lied about being at his male coworker house but it turns out he was at her house and I found out by looking through her Instagram (I told him to send pics of what the house looked like and it ended up being her house).

I’m almost 15 weeks pregnant with his baby. No wonder he begged me to get an abortion and even tried forcing me several weeks ago. But I told him I wasn’t going to do it. Then just the other day I sent him our first ultrasound and told him we are having a baby girl. He said he loves me and our future daughter. I can’t sleep and I feel so sick. Someone please tell me this gets better... my anxiety is at an all time high right now. I want to forgive him because I love him but the thought of them together just makes me sick to my stomach.