Sleep training making things worse

Baby has slept through the night since 8 weeks old. Only waking up some nights to feed(on the breast) and fall back asleep. She’s had NO BED TIME. Any time between 8-1030pm

So recently we started sleep training. Teaching her to fall asleep on her own. when she wakes in the night we’ve tried leaving her, just putting our hand on her, not Turing the lights on no noise.

That PISSED her off. She doesn’t fuss and go back to sleep. She escalates to SCREAMING and loses her mind. She wants the boob, not for food, just to cuddle, no binky. Nothing helps.

NOTHING. No white noise, no swaddles, no binky. NOTHING.

We ended up staying awake for an hour + just to calm her down. She now wakes up multiple times. Where, before I was only up 5-10 minutes once a night putting her on the boob and putting her back. 7-9 hours of sleep

We’ve been doing this for TWO WEEKS. I’m afraid I’ve ruined a good thing. I want to go back to the way it was.