Really what a nice kid


So I went shopping today to buy some stuff for my kids at a strip mall. Looking like I was trampled by herd of elephants in a purple sweater looking like mr. Kool-Aid & 22 weeks preggers. I'm loading my kids and bags, I fold my stroller up so I can put it in the back of my van. I open the back doors as a cars passing it stops and reverses and backs up to the back of my van.

This young kid looks at me and says 'Excuse me mam can you take a compliment', I'm in complete shock and I said 'okay sure' he says 'you are a very pretty lady and I hope your man realizes that, I just thought I should let you know that god bless you'.

I replied with 'Thank you and God bless you too' and he drove off

This kid caught me off guard, when I say I look like I got trampled by a herd of elephants the wind was blowing I'm carrying two toddlers and a car seat & 22 weeks pregnant struggling with a stroller I thought he was going to ask me if I needed help. But it's nice to see that there's young men out there that can give flustered old bag like me a compliment maybe he looked at me and was like this old woman needs a compliment.
