37 week check up went great.


She didn’t check my cervix this time because I was completely closed last week. When I got on the scale I had only gained 1 pound since last week. I thought awesome I’m only gaining a pound a week. My baby is already estimated to be big so I feel that was good news.

So then she measured my belly and she said oh my how he has grown. (Last week he measured right on target @ 36 weeks by the way)

So I was like WHAT? What am I measuring? She said 39 weeks. Granted we know it could just be his position but I am all belly so who knows. She, my husband, and myself just started laughing like he grew 3 weeks in one week.

She did tell me if I go in labor again we won’t be stopping it this time. So if he is ready to come before my csection date then it’s all good to go. I am so excited and not scared anymore if I start have contractions again. I got our bags packed. And today my mom helped me finish cleaning my house.

All around today has been a great day. Just thought I would share. If anyone is stressed out or worried just hang in there like me. Good days are coming for us and we will soon be blessed with our babies in our arms. I can’t wait!