Unhappy marriage.

How do you deal with being unhappy in a marriage? Lately I have been very unhappy, and even thought about divorce. My husband has made some very selfish, and frustrating decisions this past year that has caused a strain on how I feel about him. He claims he was doing it for us, but he went about it in very selfish ways. Not even caring about how it will effect me. He claims he did, but I don’t see how. I don’t get along with his mom, we barley have sex because of our living situation ( part of his selfish decisions) and lately I just can’t stand to be around him. We’ve been married for three years, and I don’t know if I want to do another year. We have a 2yr old. I want to stay for her, but I don’t want to be miserable either. He’s a good person. He didn’t cheat, or even abuse me in any way. He just made very selfish decisions that has me feeling this way. Plus, the fact that I can’t fucking stand his mom makes this even harder. I honestly feel like I just want to be single again. I used to be so happy before we got married. Sometimes I wonder if I settled. I’m a SAHM, and been depressed lately, so I’ve started seeing a therapist.

Also, I want to add that I have a slight crush on someone at this time. I feel terrible about that, but I can’t help it. My husband’s selfishness has caused me to think about this other person quite often. I don’t plan on acting on my feelings for many reason, but this person is related to my step-dad, so I will see him quite a lot. I feel so guilty.

What would you do?
