Second guessing myself

Sometimes I second guess ... my whole entire life. I moved to east coast for a job opportunity I couldn't pass up. I've put my career first my entire life. My husband is so supportive and obviously moved out here with me and was able to transfer his job. I'm a doctor, but with my loans and our ridiculous rent we can't afford to have a baby... unless I were to leave the job (that we sold our house and relocated for, uprooting our entire lives). I keep thinking, you moved here for this opportunity, see it through. Then my heart tells me that I want a family, now. I cant have both. Sometimes i wish i would have just settled in life and never pushed myself so hard, always putting my career first. Some days i just want to quit my job and be a stay at home mom. I can feel my clock ticking and it's all i can think about lately. This sucks.