
So I need some help/advice from other women here. We are going to be going to marriage counseling as well so I plan to bring it up then as well.

I need some help learning how to let go of some things I know about my husband or things he has said. We’ve had a bit of an unconventional start and now we’re learning a bit more about how marriage works. So my husband has had sex with A LOT of women. Like. A lot. And I accept that/don’t hold it against him, but the thing is he’s a real estate agent and he seems to attract high maintenance women clients who have no respect for boundaries and use him as a therapist. I have no doubt he’s faithful, but I know he’s had sex with some of these women before he met me and I hear him when he says there’s nothing between them now, but I CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT. I feel like I know way too much about his previous relationships and past sexual experiences and I don’t know how to stop obsessing over it now. He knows that I need boundaries as to what I learn about his past from here on out, but how do I stop thinking about what I already know? Like just last week he mentioned the fact that he lost his virginity to a client he just closed a house with. And it’s little things like that that I just don’t think I need to know. Or he’ll be on the phone talking to a friend and describe another client as “the cute one with nice tits” LIKE HELLO she is cute and does have nice tits but can you save the bro talk for when you’re not in front of me. We have so many other issues too, but I feel like this one is a me issue that I really need some help with on my own.

The usual he married me so obviously they mean nothing blah blah blah kind of things are not helping me. I need some real mental tools to help me with this. I compare myself way too much, feel insecure when I see pictures of these other women, and I can be vacuuming the house or chopping vegetables and suddenly this is what I’ll be thinking about 🤦🏼‍♀️ I feel like I’m going to lose my mind. Please help.