Amira has arrived ❤️

Becca • One in heaven 💛 10/14/17, and one beautiful 🌈 girl born 10/3/18

My baby girl was born last night (oct 3) at 10:08pm weighing 5lb6oz ☺️ Born at 37w1d due to cholestasis. I ended up with an epidural after needing pitocin to move things along. Worked so well that I went from 3cm to 10cm in about 5 hours and then pushed for 18 min and she was here!! I cried so hard. Was surreal. Epidural made things so smoothe. Could still feel everything but with barely any pain. Got a few 2nd degree tears but didn’t even notice at the time. Now, the peri bottle is my bestie. Get discharged from hospital tomorrow ☺️ Also, she meows instead of babbling or crying. It’s so cute!

Meet my princess!

Above pic was her first photo lol.