
I have been best friends with someone for almost 6 years. Ever since I got a boyfriend, she’s been really upset that my time and energy is no longer solely on her. I understood Bc it was an adjustment for all of us, but I am dating with an intent to marry. Therefore, I’m taking it seriously. So for a while, we didn’t hang out bc I had plans with my bf. Well I took my head out of my ass a while back and started making an effort to hang out all the time. I’d constantly ask if she wanted to hang out, come over, do HW together, etc. she constantly turned me down saying she was busy with schoolwork, other friends, blah blah blah. I understood and I didn’t get mad; we had stuff to do. She would get very upset and sad bc our schedules weren’t in sync. *we are both full time students with jobs*

This past Sunday, I didn’t text her back for an hour after she told me to come over if I wanted. I was studying at home and eating dinner w my bf all at the same time. I text her back and tell her to come over. She says no bc she’s upset. Doesn’t text me for 4 days.

Today, I asked what she was doing tomorrow so we could shop together. Then I get back a HUGE text ab how we shouldn’t be friends anymore. Then she posts a twitter pic (which she never does) with her other friend that she had been telling me about for weeks.

Getting replaced fucking sucks. What do I do?