Flat spot

My almost 2 month old has what I feel like is a pretty noticeable flat spot that developed on the right side of her head. Whenever she sleeps she’s always sleeping on that side and I’m constantly having to turn her head. She won’t lay flat on the back of her head either. It always just ends up falling to one side and it’s usually the right side. I try doing tummy time, and some days are better than others, but most days she absolutely hates it. I feel bad because her ear is even become more misshapen(it was misshapen when she was born). I asked her pedi about it at her 1 month apt and he said to just keep turning her head. Well I feel like I can’t do it enough. Any advice or tips? Will it correct itself at this point or is it too late. I really don’t want her to have to go through wearing a helmet 😩.

Attaching pics of my beautiful babe so you can see the difference in sides.