I feel stupid for feeling this way..

I feel so stupid because I feel so hurt.

My best friend is pregnant with baby #3. My close friend is pregnant with her rainbow baby. And now, I just found out my sister-in-law is pregnant with baby #2.

I’m so happy for all of them. I really am. But I’m so sad because I am still without a baby.

The reason I feel stupid is because my husband and I haven’t even started trying. But the reason for that is because of moving and work and life stuff. We had to keep putting it off. And now we’re only a few months from when we can finally start trying... I’m always so worried we’ll have trouble conceiving because that’s just my luck. And I have irregular periods.

I’m just so scared that when we do start trying, it will take a while. And I don’t want to be the only one not pregnant. I want to start my family already. I just want it to be my turn.

Am I stupid?