Does he deserve to be there while I give birth?Or even have her carry his last name?😥 Emotions

First of all I want to thank you for stopping by to read this❤

Christmas of last year I had experienced

a miscarriage. That was the worst heartbreak I had ever experienced.After that I decided to wait a little longer to try again but turn around and got pregnant in march. My now ex-fiance of 6 yrs didnt seem to happy about the news but I thought maybe it just caught him by surprise...(Between the Jan and Mar time we weren't continuously using condoms either so something was bound to happen)Anywho time goes by And June was our 6 yr anniversary everything was fine. July was fine--At least I thought it was and then August my life turned upside down. As regular couples we argued and Im the type that doesnt like to go to bed mad so certain days were worse then others. (Ex-fiance has 2 kids by 2 different women a boy and girl) So we went school shopping for his daughter which I raised since 3 now 10 and he kept texting while we were shopping then he got a txt and i asked him to open his phone and he wouldnt he said he would talk to me when we got home. And he told me that he's been looking for attention somewhere else because he doesn't love me the same etc etc. I asked him why didnt he tell me something was wrong sooner before we got pregnant before having my dad buy a new car for my family of 5 before starting a new rent in March. And he said he didnt know. Since then I kept finding more and more dirt on him. He mentioned that he has been talking to other women and meet up with some before coming home. (My dad has a family business and he helped manage it) So you can imagine how i felt I asked him to leave and he did but 2 days before he left he came through my door hickyed up. I am currently 7 months pregnant with a beautiful baby girl and I am really stuck on whether I wont him there while I give birth and if she should carry her father's last name because he hasnt really been into this pregnancy. He hasnt cared if anything happened.(We also have a 5 yr old together and I also have seizures that have been out of control due to stress.)I feel that he only deserves a call or text informing him that the baby is here and what her name is because we never talked about names. He has done more then enough damage to out broken family. What really drove me insane is that he picked up my son to take him to the park on a sunday and he took him to his moms to visit which she used to babysit him mondays and tuesday and we were close. My son comes home and says mommy i saw this girl at nanas house and she has a big dog. So i almost snapped! Then that monday I took my son to his nanas as usual his dad was there and it was akward. I went back home(i work from home) and slmething said turn around now!! So i did and i get there and my ex was on the porch with his new girlfriend at his moms and my son was there. I yelled at all who was there and took my son with me. it had only been a month and i was just beginning to explain to my 5 yr old why his dad is not home nomore. His mother saw nothing wrong about what had happened that day and neither does he. I couldnt believe he intruduced her to my son and his excuse is that it was an accident she wasnt supposed to be there.Yeah right!!