Induction scheduled 😳


My induction is scheduled for Sunday night! I am so nervous. I am a FTM and have had some complications and finally my doctor decided an induction is what is best. I’ll be 39+2. He is concerned about reduced fetal movement (only 3 out of the last 8 days I’ve felt her move 10 times in 1 hour) and the fact that my blood pressure is starting to elevate. Also my tachycardia 😔

He also said my cervix isn’t looking too good for natural delivery. They will be trying some things out when I go in on Sunday to hopefully help my cervix but if nothing works I’m looking at a potential c section. Which is okay with me as long as baby comes out healthy. The same thing happened with my mom and she had 4 c sections so I’m not to worried. I’m just excited to meet my little girl! Any advice as a first time mom and for the induction/ possible c section process?