CALLING ALL MOMS: Do you ever really know?!

I have some bad baby fever. I’ve always just wanted wanted to be a wife and mother, but my dad and step mom keep saying I’m too young. (I’m 21) My grandma says it will happen when god wants it to. I’m not one to really hang out around people my age or people at all really 😂 but my work friends (24+) keep saying I’m mature, I have a good head on my shoulders and they think if I’m ready, then Id be a great mom. I do hair and most of my clients are littles & their parents always compliment how caring and patient I am with them. They love how I treat them like little adults.

My mother was a single mother & I have three younger siblings that I helped raise. We had to work together as a team to make things work, and we still do. I’m ready for a baby, my fiancé says he is too, but idk.. I want us to stay together and raise a child together. Not separate so I want him to be ready. How do you know if you’re ready? How do you know if hes ready? Do you ever really know? Are there ways to make sure I’m prepared? I’m driving myself crazy