Lost the bink, now losing sleep


So we finally got my son to start going to bed on his own at 18 months. Two weeks later I took away his bink. He falls asleep fine, well sometimes he cries for about 30 seconds, but now he can't stay down. He is 19 months and used to take 1.5-2 hour naps but they keep getting shorter. Today it was less than an hour but he fell back to sleep on me after I got him up. Bedtime is 7:30-8 and he has been waking up every night at 9:15 and my husband brings him to bed with is for the rest of the night. I'm trying to he strong because I know it's good for him, but I so want to give him the bink back so he will sleep longer again. More background: he became a big brother at 16 months, was sleeping through the night before then. He started waking in the early morning hours since we brought her home and my husband has started the habit of him sleeping in bed with us because I was busy with the new baby. Help!!!!! How do I help him sleep longer???