13 Weeks PP


25 years old, hemorraghed for the first 8 weeks, had no idea why I wouldnt stop bleeding until my doc said I needed a D&C to remove a piece of the placenta. Holy crap. And now, I'm positive I have osteoarthritis. Not sure of the cause but it does not run in my family with young women, only older.

My questions are:

1. How do you all handle exhaustion? What do you do to help?

2. How do you cope with and manage a constantly achy body?

I'm not lucky enough to just stay at home, and it sucks. I have so many commitments, and a lot of it involves waking up anywhere from 3-5am most mornings, driving most of the day, and carrying my son around everywhere with me. It's rough. I need advice. Please. Lol and I'm single too. No help! Granny is too old to take that on, plus he's my responsibility anyway!