I can’t quit but working here is making me want to kill myself

I can’t quit my job because I am interning (especially just working as a normal employee and calling it an internship) for my last semester of college for school credit. So if I don’t work this semester here I don’t graduate basically. But working here is so terrible its effecting my mental health so negatively that I’m constantly thinking “maybe I should just kill myself”. I don’t know what to do at a point. I know my mental health is deteriorating because they schedule me flip flopping shifts (close and then open the next day) so I literally can’t get more than 5 hours on sleep, and on top of that management sucks so everyone quits because they expect you to be their slave, so we are short staffed so I’m working 6-7 days a week, I always end up working double shifts in a day, and I’m just over worked and they will not give me a break... like they could care fucking less if I blew my brains out they’d only care because they wouldn’t have someone to take my shifts. I’m at a loss I don’t know what to do, I can’t quit but at the same time I don’t want to have a mental break down. I just need some advice