Anyone dealing with a gap in your relationship due to night shift ?

Well my guy works usually from 4 or 5pm til about 3 every morning except sundays it sometimes Monday’s . Everyday I’m finding something to do with my kid and entertaining her as well so she won’t be bored with me Bc a lot of time me she misses her dad.

I will cook and we will watch shows together, go to the park , but when I get home before 9 and before we have to shower and get in bed I realize I have 5 more hours give or take to establish. It’s really lonely for me especially after my daughter goes to sleep , being up by myself and forcing myself to fall asleep w the TV On.

I can barely contact him because he never really gets a break so we barely talk . I don’t like how the job treats him and I want to put my foot down but I don’t know how as far as justice I will prosper with him never gettin a break and being the last one there til 3 am like a slave .

He deals with it Bc we have to survive . I am due for delivery in 2 weeks and feel as though I’m gonna be up all night with this baby. It just isn’t a good feeling as I don’t know what to do . Please help ladies , I’m sittin on my bed as I write literately and I’m just out of it ☹️

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